Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Finally, some gorgeous fall weather! Kyle spent the afternoon fishing, while I got things done around the house and treated myself to a mani/pedi. Tough life we lead, I know.

Rather than passing out candy, we decided to head over to Melissa and Jeff's place for some dinner and drinks. As a little trick-or-treater, I remember hating the houses with their lights off and no treats, so before we left, I put a bowl of candy on the porch. I'm not here to make any enemies.

We had a great night hanging out with the Toliver family, little Bella and Jake certainly entertained us on their sugar highs ... they even made us costumes to celebrate Halloween.

The newest addition to the family, Maggie, a 3 month old Jack Russell, really stole the show. She showed off, doing her best Superman impression, practically flying out of Kyle's hands.

Kyle showed off some of his tricks too. I'm so proud.

I think someone is going to make a great Daddy ...

Dear Melissa and Jeff - Thanks for helping my cause. I think I'll have a puppy in no time!

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