Monday, August 9, 2010

Hummingbird Hostel - Part Two

About this time last year, my dear husband broke down and published his first post on OUR blog. The topic he chose for his masterpiece was my insane love for hummingbirds -- poking a little fun at my obsession. Ha-ha.

Fast forward one year ... and Kyle is just as crazy about these little birds! Seriously! He's too manly to admit it, but that's why it's my turn to "out" him ... blog-style. One word - karma, my dear.

I spotted our first hummingbird of the season the last week in July. Literally, 5 minutes after I commented that their season should be starting soon. Well, they brought more friends this year, and we have probably 20+ hummingbirds whipping through the trees in the backyard and fighting over the feeders!

This time, it was Kyle that suggested we get an additional feeder! You heard right. He ran out to Lowe's to buy a third feeder and perched himself on the deck with our good camera on the tripod to capture some of the show. He even made the comment, "Wouldn't it be cool if we could put a mini-camera on a hummingbird's head to see what he does all day?" I can't make this stuff up, people!

Thought you guys (or y'all, as they say down here) might enjoy a little glimpse of the world out our back door over the past several weeks.

I'm no longer teased for my obsession ... it was apparently contagious, and Kyle has caught it! I love you, honey!

1 comment:

Castle said...

Does Kyle need any recos on where to buy his "mini-camera"?