Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Driving Miss Daisy

Kyle's birthday weekend also brought a new member into our family ... but I figured she's so stinkin' adorable, she deserves her own blog post.

Meet our new niece, Daisy!

5 months, almost 8 lbs and 100% sass.

Kyle's little sister Emily and her boyfriend, Cody, are the proud new parents of this little wonder - a mini Dachsund - so the German in me was sold from the moment I saw her.

Daisy also has a way of bringing out Kyle's secret love of lap dogs ... he's been trying to turn Paisley into a lap dog for months.  My husband is a strong (often bull-in-a-china-shop) man, but it would surprise you how gentle he can be when he's cuddling with little puppies.  Old softy.

Paisley didn't know what to do with this little thing.  She wanted to sniff Daisy and play with her, but didn't realize she was 4x her size, so it didn't always work.  Daisy, Paisley, Daisley ... things got confusing for all of us.

Paisley even had to check out Daisy's house ... perfect fit.

Welcome to the family, Daisy, and congrats on your new baby, Emily and Cody!  :)


Bachelorette Beth said...

The picture of Paisley trying to get in the crate is hilarious!

Emily said...

Daisy feels honored to have her own blog post. Thanks Auntie Tracie!

KeepingUpWithTheKlebers said...

Hahahaha...I think Paisley has crate envy. So right - perfect fit!